The other night I went to see Noche Flamenca here in Portland. Manuel Gago got me when he sang the Romance de Juan de Osuna. He sang it like this, opening with this letra por siguiriyas:


A mí me duele el alma,
de tanto llorar
cómo me duele el alma,
señores, de tanto llorar

My soul aches . . .
from crying so much
how my soul aches,
guys,* from crying so much

You can hear Manolo Caracol sing it here

You can listen to La Paquera sing it here.

P.S.The show was sponsored by White Bird (who I have to thank for having met Ricardo).

A note

I chose to translate señores as 'guys' although that's not a literal translation. I considered using 'gentlemen' or 'fellows' but 'guys' felt better to me. Translation is hard!


Tell me what you think. I love hearing your translation reflections and suggestions. Leave a comment below.

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