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Guerra, guerra, guerra
Con esa bata de cola
tú vienes pidiendo guerra
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Juan Antonio Salazar
Cien reyes me preguntaron
¿Dónde se encuentra el amor?
Are you in the mood to listen to some good bulerías de Jerez?
Then you’ll love today’s clip of José Mijita and Manuel Parilla direct rom Jerez.
This is one of the letras you’ll hear…
Check out this alegrías by Patricia Guerrero from the 30th Nîmes Flamenco Festival;
Ready to get into the Christmas spirit, flamenco style?
Below enjoy three instances of Camarón singing villancicos.
The first two are live performances, and the last one is a recording.
Flamenco singers offer their personal flavor to the letras they sing,
In the quality of their voice,
their phrasing,
their mannerisms and facial expressions,
And with the words they choose…
Antonio Reyes posted this video from backstage.
I love it when we get to see these moments, don’t you?
Pañuelo de raya en raya
mare cómprame usted uno
antes que el hombre se vaya
Do you know how to dance bulerías with the cante?
Watch how it’s done in the clip below as Carmen Herrera dances while José Mijita sings at the Feria del Caballo in Jerez.
Then find the words, and translation, of the letra you hear.
Check out this bulerías pataíta from the living room…
Here’s the coletilla you’ll hear Antonio Malena sing to Manuela Nuñez at in the video below:
Here’s a letra José Mijita sang during one of our online bulerias workshops:
Al cielo lo miro yo
Yo miro pa tus ojos
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