I danced sevillanas backwards tonight with castanets. Why, you ask?

Because it seemed like it would be fun

And it was.

I did it in my bedroom.  But really you could do it anywhere.

I did it and thought of Erica and the other left-handed people.  I'm not saying I did the ría with my left hand, I'm talking just about the steps.  I wasn't interested in that level of frustration tonight...

Perhaps we'll even do it tomorrow at the studio.  To.warm up our brains?  To do it without any expectation of perfecting it or turning it into a finished product.  To do it as an exercise and to then let it go.

I thought it would be harder to figure out, but actually it wasn't that bad.  You should try it.

Because, as I mentioned, it's fun.

The puzzles and the confusion and the figuring stuff out

That's some of what I most enjoy in doing flamenco.

Maybe dancing sevillanas backwards with castanets could not be classified as normal flamenco, but still

So, some sevillanas for today...


Te fuiste sin decir nada y sin volver la cabeza

Y sin volver la cabeza
te fuiste sin decir nada
y sin volver la cabeza

te fuiste sin decir nada
y sin volver la cabeza

Y sin volver la cabeza
como quien siembra y se olvida
se recoge la cosecha

como quien siembra y se olvida
se recoge la cosecha   

Eso fue ayer
eso fue ayer
pero mañana te espero
porque sabes que te quiero
y tú tienes que volver


You left without saying anything and without turning your head

Without turning your head
you left without saying anything
and without turning your head
you left without saying anything
without turning your head

And without turning your head
like he who plants seeds and forgets
you collect the harvest
like he who plants seeds and forgets
you collect the harvest

That was yesterday
that was yesterday
but tomorrow I will wait for you 
because you know that I love you
and you have to come back

You know that I love you, and you have to come back.

I found this sevillanas here.  From what I understand it's a verso popular.



Okay, you know the story.  I translate and learn.  You can leave a comment(which might possibly be a suggestion) here.

