Here’s a letra we heard Miguel Lavi sing (and dance to) during Olga Pericet’s show, La espina que quiso ser flor o la flor que soñó con ser bailaora, last week in Albuquerque.


Mi cuna fue los brazos de una gitana
me cantaba por bulerias
en vez de cantarme nanas

My cradle was in the arms of a gypsy woman
she sang bulerías to me
instead of singing me lullabies

You can hear this letra about one minute into the video below:

This show. Wow. It was beautiful, playful, comical, intense, whimsical, original. I loved it, and Olga was incredible. You can read about it in English here and here.

I’m not sure if this is a traditional letra or if the author is known. If you have any information on that please let me know in the comments!

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I heard Miguel Lavi sing this letra in Olga Pericet’s ‘La espina que quiso ser flor o la flor que soñó con ser bailaora’

I heard Miguel Lavi sing this letra in Olga Pericet’s ‘La espina que quiso ser flor o la flor que soñó con ser bailaora’
