I heard the following letra this week here at the Festival Flamenco Albuquerque in Lucía “La Piñona’s” show, Enmovere. The words stood out to me, so I scribbled them down in my little book to share with you:


Si tú me quieres dímelo
y si no dame veneno
y sal a la calle y di
yo maté a mi dulce dueño
con veneno que le di

If you love me tell me so
and if not give me poison
and go out to the street and say
I killed my sweet master
with the poison that I gave him

You can hear Enrique Morente sing it here as a rondeña with Sabicas on guitar. It says in the notes under the video that Sabicas wrote the words to the song.

Here are some samples of the show:

And you can see what I’ve been up to in Albuquerque here on Instagram.

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