There was a request for the words to the song in this post...

They're rather fuerte.

You can hear Camarón singing it here and again here.


Tienes que derramar más sangre
que un torito bravo en su muerte
no sé como tienes valor 
pá hablar de mi malamente.

You have to shed more blood 
than a fighting bull at his death
I don't know how you have the courage
to speak badly of me.

Anda, vete Fea
el cuerpo te huele a lumia
como el marinero a brea.

Go on, get away Ugly
your body smells of whore
as the sailor's does of tar.

Allá abajito se ve una fuente
de cal y canto y arena
donde bebe mi serrana
agua de la fuente nueva.

There below you see a fountain
of lime and rock and sand
where my beauty drinks water
from the new fountain.

The words to the final letra, my favorite, the one about the magic bridge, are right here.

These Letras

They were hard for me to translate.  Thanks Vicente, Mercedes, and Al for the help.  Your suggestions are welcome too.  And I'd love to know what you think.  You can leave a comment here.
