Wow, Friday came and went, - and Saturday as well almost - and I completely forgot the Friday letra. Oops and Ay! Here you go.

It's tangos.


Caballero, caballero
Mi madre fue una gitana
mi padre un caballero 
de esos que pelaban borricos
enfrente del matadero

my mother was a Roma woman
my father a nobleman
the kind who trimmed donkeys
in front of the slaughterhouse 

Last month Manuel Gutierrez taught us a tangos, and this was one of the letras we danced to. By the way, he sings really well. Síiii, canta bien.

Jaleos para Tangos is coming up on August 29. More info here.

So I'm off to Spain in October, and I invite you to come too. Mercedes Ruíz will be giving a workshop just for us! You can find out more here.

Meanwhile, Mercedes and I will be having an online chat on August 27, and we'd love for you to join us.  The chat is limited to 8 people, so if you're interested in being a part of this you can click here to get on the list and be the first to learn how to register for this event.

Thoughts? I want to hear them. You can let me know below.  And translating. You know I find it challenging. If you have any suggestions, you can post them below as well.

