Today’s letra is a bit different than usual. It’s not actually a song verse…

Below watch the presentation of José Galán’s choreography for the 2018 Bienal de Sevilla inaugural flashmob, and read the phrases recited during the introduction. Next week I’ll publish part of the song along with a video from the actual flashmob.

No existen barreras para el flamenco.
El flamenco no tiene edad.
El flamenco no tiene género.
El flamenco no entiende de raza.
El flamenco no entiende de fronteras.
El flamenco no tiene límites.
El flamenco es un arte universal

Flamenco has no barriers.
Flamenco has no age.
Flamenco has no gender.
Flamenco doesn’t see race.
Flamenco knows no borders.
Flamenco has no no limits.
Flamenco is a universal art.

Stay tuned next week for the full song in Spanish and English and two more videos of the dance!

Here are some pictures I took last September at the site of the flashmob. You see the Monumento a la Tolerancia, the Puente de Triana, the Río Guadalquivir, and the Calle Betis. Oh Sevilla is so beautiful!
