I saw him perform for the first time in 2011 in Jerez at the peña.  He was having a good night, and I was told were were lucky.  I saw him perform the next time I was there.  Again, they said it was a good night.

On December 31 El Torta, Juan Moneo, passed away.

Today, one of his bulerías.

Bulerías del Torta

Cuando salga la luna
yo voy a verte
porque me alumbra el camino
Gitana mía, pá yo quererte.

When the moon comes out
I’m going to see you
Because it lights the path
Gypsy of mine, for me to love you.

Above you can see him with Moraito on guitar.

Here you can hear him singing this letra again with accompanied Niño Jero.

And here he is singing it in the movie that I watched just before going to Spain for the first time.  In the scene that scared me so much...


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