It's a full moon today. And so...

Luna Llena 

¿Quién me contaría a mí de qué está hecha la luna? 
Si de rosas, de jazmines o de sábanas de cuna.

La luna llena. 
Tú eres errante, 
tú eres flamenca, ay, y canastera.

Y en lo alto del monte le dice piropos
un olivo a una estrella.
Y por ser la más guapa y celosa, 
la luna se ha pintao los ojillos color de aceituna.

La luna no tiene sueño, 
tiene la luz encendía
y yo le canto desde el Puerto, 
Puerto de Santa María.

La luna llena...

Full Moon

Who could tell me, 
what the moon is made of? 
Of roses, of jasmine flowers, 
or of the sheets of a cradle.

Full moon. 
You are wandering. 
You are flamenca and Romani*.

On the top of the hill he gives her compliments* 
an olive tree to a star. 
For being the most beautiful and jealous,
the moon has painted his eyes the color of olives.

The moon is not tired. 
She has the light on, 
and I sing to her from el Puerto, 
Puerto de Santa María.

The full moon...

You can listen here.

And, enjoy la luna llena tonight.


EDIT: *Canastera.  While literally it means basket weaver, here and in flamenco songs it refers to a Romani woman.   You can read more about it here because I'm definitely no expert on this.

*Piropo.  It's more than just a compliment.  It's a compliment in a flirtatious way.  Something like that...


Impressions & Comments

Translating is still difficult for me.  If you have any suggestions, please leave them in the comments.  I'd love to hear your thoughts on the letra as well.  You can leave a comment below.
