Don't worry, It's not you who I want nothing to do with. In fact, it's not anyone.  It's just today's letra.

¿Y por qué?

Because this week has been all about bulerías,

And today shall be no different.

Here I am in Portland with Ricardo López, and he made my day when he suggested we do bulerías in one of the workshops.  

He then put the icing on the cake when he said we should dance to a tema by Joaquin el Zambo...

Yo No Quiero Nada Contigo

Yo no quiero nada contigo 
A puñalaitas me maten
Si es mentira lo que digo

I want nothing to do with you
They can stab me to death
If what I say is a lie 

On the recording he adds this when repeating the last line...

Compañera de mis carnes si es mentira lo que digo

Soul mate If what I say is a lie

UPDATE: You can listen to him sing it here.

Translating can be a challenge.  It was hard to portray the correct meaning with the correct sentido for compañera de mis carnes.  I have facebook to thank for that part, and George Caceres, Thank you George.  

Feel free to leave your suggestion below.

Cover photo by Hasan Almasi on Unsplash

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