The other night, well actually it was a couple of months ago, I was lying awake in my bed. It was way past my bedtime. And I had this feeling.

This feeling of gratitude.


For technology for allowing me to lie in my bed in Portland, Oregon and watch bulerías in Spain while keeping compás on the side of the bed.

It happened while I was watching this video.

David Palomar sings this letra at 3 minutes 20 seconds, but Oh my goodness, I'm pretty positive you'll want to watch the whole thing.  And then probably have to watch it again...and again.


Por qué no se calla el campanero
Ruido de campana
que yo creía que era la reina
la reina no era
era una pobre gitana.

Why won't the bell ringer stop?
The sound of bells 
I thought it was the queen
The queen it was not
It was a poor gypsy woman.

We've talked about how cantaores sing the same letra a su manera.

Below are a few different variations of this letra that I've come across:

Ay qué doble de campanas campanero, doble
creyeron que era una reina
reina no era
que era una pobre gitana.

Que se detenga un momento
y que no doblen las campanas
creía que era la reina 
y era una pobre gitana.

Que se detenga el campanero
que doble de campanas
se creían que era la reina
y era una pobre gitana.

Translating is hard. Leave a comment or suggestion here.



We're going back to Spain in October.  As you know, you'll hear (and do) lots of bulerías there.

