It's the final day of 2015, and tomorrow begins a brand new year.

This evening I plan to celebrate what went well in 2015 and look ahead to the possibilities of 2016.

Celebration & Possibility

I'm feeling particularly excited at the moment because 2016 means a brand new web site for me, this one, woo-hoo! (I'm still figuring it out, and there are various kinks at the moment, my apologies, but I find transitions to be particularly challenging while also providing amazing opportunities for growth.) I invite you to stick around to see how the site progresses.

Cheers to a bright new year with lots of dancing and fun.


Thank you for being here with me.

Now, tell me,

What are you celebrating from 2015? What are you looking forward to in 2016? Let me know in the comments below!

And finally, here are some of my favorite posts from 2015:

An Interview With Flamenco Dancer David Romero

How Old is Too Old to Begin Dancing Flamenco?

Three Easy Ways to Grow as a Dancer Even When You Have No Time

How To Simplify Your Bulerías And Your Life 

Living Your Dream of Finally Doing Flamenco In Spain