A couple of weeks ago we had a performance.  Abby, Julie, and Kikuyo, three members of the PFE Performance Group took part and danced fabulously, absolutely fabulously.  I was so happy to be on stage with them, dancing together, supporting one another.  I loved seeing how they each embraced their performance selves because they really truly did. As you may know, I love to interview people, so I asked these lovely dancers some questions.  And I thought you might want to hear what they said.

What has been challenging for you in preparing for this show?

J: Remembering all the cues to watch and listen for and adjusting to the little changes made at each rehearsal

K: Having confidence in myself

A: To work on a small amount of material that could seem basic but in fact is not!  It's like they say, there are no small actors, only small parts.  It's been both challenging and interesting to work on a few repetitive movements, figuring out how to make it engaging and dynamic.

What has been fun for you in preparing for this show?

J: Both observing and participating in the artistic process of developing a new original piece of performance art, especially when Diana and Nat have been present.  As someone who is only a wannabe artist, it has been fascinating to be a part of that process.

K: Working together to build up for the show.

A: I really enjoy being a part of the "cuadro", participating as a dancer with the guitarist and singer.  Both are talented and working as a group for me is very enjoyable.  I felt connected as a dancer.

How does this experience differ from you previous performing experiences?

J: It is a less traditional flamenco piece, and normally I perform a whole choreography either alone or with others, but never before just a fragment of a larger piece like this one, which is made up of several distinct "vignettes".  Also, most of the dancing that Kikuyo and Abby and I do in this piece is not accompanied by music, which is something really different for me.

K: From all the practice and rehearsals I could see how you make a show which I have never seen before.

A: It felt more real, especially since it was a work in progress.  We were showing the progress made in a short period of time, which is different than having a long time to perfect and over think a piece.  Also, I've not participated in a piece where the syncopation and footwork rhythms overlapped so much to provide a framework for the main dancer.  Fun!

How are you feeling about Saturday's show?

J: Excited because every time we practice together, it's SO MUCH FUN!  We've worked well together as a group.  Also a little nervous because I don't often have the chance to perform in a more professional production like this one.

K: I have never participated in a show like this.  I feel my responsibility like I have never felt before.

A: I remember feeling excited to perform and be in the moment!  I always get to a point where I am no longer nervous, but get into the fine tuning details and have fun.

And then Julie said...

I have learned so much just from watching and listening to Laura, Diana and Nat, and from the little bits of advice and tips for improvement from Laura.  And it's been fun spending some extra time with Abby and Kikuyo.

And Kikuyo said...

Thank you for giving me this opportunity.

And Abby said...

I am looking forward to performing with this group again!  Thanks, Laura, for the opportunity!

I know

that they each did a lot of noticing and practicing in preparation.  ¡Olé, guapas!
I would love to hear from you.  How do you feel when preparing for a performance?  One of any kind...  Many a thing can be considered a performance really.  Leave your thoughts here.