Three Ways to Improve Your Jaleos | The Weekly Letra


Three Ways to Improve Your Jaleos | The Weekly Letra

How good are you at giving jaleos?

Whether you dance, sing play guitar, or play cajón, you must also give jaleos. In fact, even if you prefer only to watch flamenco, you’ll want to give some jaleos. It’s almost disrespectful not to.

Below find three activities to help you strengthen your ability to give these calls of encouragement along with ten straight minutes of bulerías to practice to.

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Part Two: An Interview with Flamenco Dancer Cristina Hall (Video)


Part Two: An Interview with Flamenco Dancer Cristina Hall (Video)

Flamenco dancer Cristina Hall talks about her life as an artist starting from her first class in her hometown of San Francisco all the way to Sevilla, Spain where she has resided for nearly twenty years. She touches on everything from practice to performance to the creative process to self expression to artistic choices to discipline, a must-listen for any flamenco dancer, student or professional.

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