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Bulerías #163 | The Weekly Letra

Did you know that you can find one hundred sixty three bulerías letras here on the blog?


As you can see, I really like this palo!

And I’m loving this letra, #163:


Yo de nadie he murmurado
yo lo único que he dicho es que tú no eres buena
y a la calle me has tirado

I’ve not gossiped about anybody
All I said is that you’re not good
and that you threw me out

You can listen to Tío Gregorio el Borrico accompanied by Paco Cepero sing it here at 1:50.

Dancing bulerias in Jerez

That’s me dancing bulerías on The Flamenco Tour to Jerez in Ana María López’s class at Peña Los Cernícalos. I think my sister took this one. She and my three beautiful nieces, who you see in the back sitting by Ani, came to watch class that day. We had traveled in Spain for a little while together before the Flamenco Tour (along with my mom and her friend, Peggy.) Then they got to come to Jerez to meet the Flamenco Tour crew. It felt AMAZING to have them there with me in in Jerez, a place I’ve come to love so much.

You Too?

Do you love bulerías as much as I do? Tell me why in the comments below.

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