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An Alegrías by David Lagos | Viernes con una Letra

This will make your day.


It's a video of David Lagos live por alegrías accompanied by his brother, Alfredo Lagos.

You should know, if you don't already, that David is nice.

You should also know, if you don't already, that he writes beautiful letras.

And you might as well know that one of my favorite things ever is listening to David Lagos sing por alegrías and that when I hear him sing alegrías live I cry every time ... this happened on the very first FlamencoTour during our private show.

Sometimes when I close my eyes while listening to a recording the same thing happens by the way.

David wrote all of the letras (minus one short coletilla) in the video below that you have to watch.

I wasn't able to pick up all of the words, as is often the case for me when listening to flamenco letras, so I emailed him and asked if the letras were all his.  Then I asked him if he wouldn't mind filling in the words I was missing and correcting those that I had misunderstood.

He did it.

Right away.

Here's that video that you need to watch, and below it you'll find the first letra and its translation:

The first letra:

David Lagos

Me lo pidió una barquilla que ya no sale a faenar
que la llevara a la orilla para morirse en la mar

de nombre era capitana cuando la vieron pasar
las barcos de la bahia cantaron tri tri tri tran….

A boat asked me, one that no longer goes out to fish
that I take her to the shore to die at sea 

she was captain by name when they saw her pass by
the boats in the bay sang tri tri tri tran….

By the way,

David almost always sings for us in our private show hosted by Mercedes on the FlamencoTour to Jerez.  Goodness me, he is a generous and kind performer.

I've been holding onto this post for over a month now.  I'm not entirely sure why.  But today is the perfect day to post it considering David was just awarded La Lámpara Minera at the Festival Internacional del Cante de las Minas de La Unión.  You can watch him receive it here and read more about the prize and contest in English here.

You can get his latest CD here.  It's really good.


Have you seen David live?  What about Alfredo?  And what about this letra?  Ay!  Leave a comment below.