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Viernes con una Letra | Tangos de Granada

Estamos bailando por tangos con Mercedes así que hoy unas letra por tangos para acompañar parte de nuestro baile... Sorry, that means, that we're dancing tangos with Mercedes here in Jerez so below are a couple of letras that we're using to accompany our dance.

Tangos de la Repompa

Ponte guapa Mariquilla
te voy a llevar esta tarde
a la fería de Sevilla

Te roneas porque vales 
Tú eres la piedra más chica
de la acera de mi calle

Get dressed up Mariquilla 
This evening I'm going to take you
to the Seville Fair

You flirt because you're good at it
You are the smallest rock 
from the sidewalk on my street

EDIT: You can hear the first letra (Ponte guapa Mariquilla) here at 4 minutes 30 seconds.

Speaking of tangos. I just heard some great live tangos tonight from a young singer at La Bodeguilla on Calle Zarza tonight. He was joven and from Bilbao, and he's been living in Jerez. I wish I could tell you his name...