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La Tarde es Caramelo | Viernes con una Letra

La Tarde es Caramelo 
Vicente Amigo

Cerca del río hay un sendero
donde la tarde es caramelo
cerca del río yo me pierdo
me encontraré cuando me encuentre con tus besos.

Near the river there is a path 
where the evening is caramel
near the river I get lost 
I'll be found when I meet your kisses.

Watch Vicente Amigo and Diego el Cigala live below.


This one was difficult. Especially caramelo. Is he referring to caramel? To candy? To color? It has always made me picture the caramel hues of a sunset while imagining lots of sweetness. LOTS of sweetness... But that's just me. There is a good discussion about this happening on Facebook.

And what do you think?  Let me know in the comments below.

Spain in May

All of the details are out, and you're invited.