experience flamenco

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If You're Ugly... | Viernes con una Letra

Tangos.  And a brief departure from the bulerías series.  I'll come back to it soon. Last weekend Ricardo taught us some Tangos de Málaga.  And this weekend, we'll get more.  Below, a letra he sang for us.


Te pongas como te pongas
si eres fea lo serás 
por mucho que te compongas

Do what you will to yourself 
if you're ugly you'll stay that way 
no matter how much you make yourself up

Lerelele, ay lerelele

Kind of mean perhaps.  But pretty funny at the same time.  Listen here.


Translating is usually a challenge for me.  Being able to get the correct sentido me cuesta.  If you have a suggestion or just have something to say, please leave a comment.