experience flamenco

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Viernes con una Letra | Jaleos

Here I am at the 25th anniversary of the Festival Flamenco Internacional de Albuquerque. Seeing fabulous artists perform every night.

Taking classes from some of them, Pastora Galván and Olga Pericet.

And doing it with friends.  The very best way to do it.

I've been wanting to tell you about it all week.  I'll definitely tell you more later...

We've been working on jaleos in Pastora's class.

Here is one of the letras we're dancing to.


Dime niña hermosa
quién te peina el pelo
me lo peina un estudiante
me lo riza un artillero de la artillería
con gracia y salero

Tell me beautiful girl 
Who does your hair? 
A student combs it 
A shooter from the artillerycurls it 
with grace and fun

By the way, last night I got to see her perform some of the moves she taught us.  Her performance was beyond incredible.  I didn't want it to end.  There wasn't a moment I didn't love of it.  There is no point in trying to describe it, but you can watch this to get an idea.

An Edit.  Ooooo.  Just tonight I saw her dance again in the final performance, and Cristian Guerrero sang her this very letra during her bulerías.  So fabulous.

SECOND EDIT: Here is a video/audio example of this letra being interpreted in two different ways.

You know it.  Translating is a challenge for me.  If you have a comment or suggestion, please leave it here.